Monday, July 13, 2009

Mary Janes "Farm Fair" 2009

Hi everyone!

These are some pictures of a recent show we were in, the Mary Jane Farm Fair.
We were so honored to be there and we had great success! It was so hot and we all were close to heat stroke, I'm sure, but we had so much fun it didn't even matter!

If you are interested in any of our adorable dresses, aprons or skirts please visit our store at !
Hope to see you there!

Charity and one of her many dresses.

This was a pic of me at the end of the day. My makeup had melted off and I was eshausted!

Our moms' tea cup bird feeders

Cowgirl Pillows



This is a darling pink throw pillow creaed for a craft show we did this summer!

Look at these darling aprons that Julie makes. They were a real hit!!